Demystifying Sprockets

A.K.A. The Rails asset pipeline.


How browsers used to work

How modern browsers works

But it's no silver bullet

HTTP Caching

The Last-Modified header

GET /ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/javascript
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8
Last-Modified: Tue, 13 May 2014 02:26:31 GMT
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:51:40 GMT

<94 KB of JS>
GET /ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/javascript
If-Modified-Since: Tue, 13 May 2014 02:26:31 GMT
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified

<JS is not sent again>

HTTP Caching

But can do better.

HTTP Caching

The Expires / Cache-Control headers

GET /ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/javascript
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: max-age=31536000, public
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:51:40 GMT

<94 KB of JS>

No other request will be issued for a year

Any Question at this point?

HTTP Caching

HTTP Caching

But how can I update my assets then?

Rails <= 3.0

Append the file mtime as query string

<script src="/javascripts/application.js?1405197924" ...


  • Some proxies (squid) used to ignore the query string
  • Your deploy strategy need to preserve file properties
  • Possible race condition if you have multiple servers
  • Files are downloaded independently


Include the file MD5 in the file name

<script src="/assets/application-d3b07384d113edec49eaa6238ad5ff00.js"


  • Proxies cannot serve stale assets
  • Hotlinking is not possible
  • No more race conditions, assets are guaranteed to match your HTML
  • Files are concatened together

Sprockets - The Directive Processor

//= require jquery
//= require_tree myapp
//= require_self
//= depend_on config
//= stub prototype
  • Required file are included only once
  • All required files are part of the MD5 sum
  • depend_on do not include the file, but use it to compute the MD5 sum
  • stub can be useful to prevent one of your dependency from requiring something
  • include (deprecated) like require without the unicity

Sprockets - The Engine API

@Config = 
  truth: <%= 21 * 2 %>
  • Engines apply transformations on assets to convert them to another format based on extensions

Sprockets - The Engine API

class Csv2Json < Tilt::Template

  def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)


Sprockets.register_engine '.csv', Csv2Json
# foo.json.csv
1,George Abitbol
// foo-6d04991772b0ab12f0a96971ad290d68.json
[["Id","Name"],["1","George Abitbol"]]
  • Engines are just tilt templates
  • You can chain them as much as you want
  • See them as compilers

Sprockets - Processors

Processors are Tilt templates like engines, but they do not convert the asset to another type

Sprockets.register_preprocessor 'text/javascript', RemoveBreakPoints
Sprockets.register_postprocessor 'text/javascript', PrependSafetySemiColon
Sprockets.register_bundle_processor 'text/javascript', MinifyJS

Note that processors are registered by MIME type while engines are registered by extensions.

  • Preprocessors are ran before Postprocessors and Engines
  • Postprocessors are ran after Preprocessors and Engines
  • Bundle Processors are ran on concatenated assets rather than individual files.


Shorthand methods

environment.js_compressor  = :uglify
environment.css_compressor = :scss

Sprockets - Helpers

The sprockets context provide helpers to engines, which can eventually expose them to the transormed assets

/* main.css.erb */
.header { background-image: url(<%= image_path('header-background.png') %>);}

They are mostly available in .erb assets.

// main.css.scss
.header { background-image: image-url(header-background.png); }

But some engines like SCSS provide integrated support

Sprockets - Helpers

Most usefull ones are:

  • image_path, font_path, etc. Gives you the digested path of another asset.
  • asset_data_uri gives you the Base64 encoded asset content (for embeding images).

And you can of course add custom ones

Sprockets - Integration

Even if he is often nicknamed "The Rails asset pipeline", Sprockets is actually framework agnostic

It can even easilly be used in non Ruby projects (PHP, Node, Python, etc)

Sprockets - Integration

# lib/sprockets_environment.rb
require 'sprockets'

module MyEnvironment < Sprockets::Environment
  def initialize(production=true)
    root = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, '..'))
    super(root + '/public')

    append_path(root + '/app/assets/javascripts')
    append_path(root + '/app/assets/stylesheets')
    append_path(root + '/app/assets/images')

    if production
      self.css_compressor = :scss
      self.css_compressor = :uglifier

All the configuration would happen in a subclass of Sprockets::Environment

Sprockets - Integration

require 'sprockets_environment'

map '/assets' do
  • Sprockets::Environment acts as a rack middleware.
  • It will compile and bundle your assets on the fly when requested.
  • No need to wonder if the compilation is done or not yet, your browser will wait until sprockets is done.
  • This is intended for development.

Sprockets - Integration

# Rakefile
require 'rake/sprocketstask'
require 'sprockets_environment' do |t|
  t.environment = run
  t.output      = "./public/assets"
  t.assets      = %w( application.js application.css )
  • rake assets:precompile will statically compile every listed bundles.
  • If the output directory is shared between releases, it will only compile what changed.
  • A manifest.json file will be generated, containing all the mapping between the source files and the compiled files.

Sprockets - Integration

# in your app helpers

def sprockets
  @sprockets ||= begin
    env =
    ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'production' ? env.index : env

def script_url(name)
  ASSETS_ROOT + sprockets.find_asset(name + '.js').digested_path

script_url('application') # => ''
  • You will need a bit of glue in your application to always go through sprockets to link assets.
  • The index is a faster version of the environment that rely only on the manifest.json.
  • If you use something else than ruby, you'll have to parse the manifest.json yourself.

Common complaints

  • Dependency management: or bower.
  • Slow compilation: make sure to share the assets directory between releases.
  • jQuery plugins with hardcoded paths: just use the public/ directory or fix the few URLs.
  • Most frontend tools are in JS: Use ExecJS
  • Sourcemaps: yep... It's comming


Any Question?

Jean Boussier
